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50 Years EFNS - Team Slovakia

EFNS is attractive for us because of its friendly atmosphere and discovering forestry, forestmen and live-styles in the other countries. Slovakia participated for the first time at EFNS in 1997 in Harachove (Czech Republic). Then it became an official member of the organization in 2001-2002, and since 25 participants in average participate every year at the event. The oldest participant in our team was Benjamín Strmeň in 2009, who was at that time 86 years-old. Our participation became fairly succesful, since our young members were awarded during the last three years as the fastest. Forestry skiing has a long tradition in Slovakia, since 1947, when the first official skiing competion of employees in the forestry was organized. The competition was called Venerovsky memoriál after an important forestman from Vysoké Tatry, where it takes place every year. It includes 2 sport disciplines – giant slalom and biathlon. In 2017, it was the 53th memorial that was organized. Because the last years, there was little snow, we wish to organizers in the next years enough snow, nice weather, and most of all, a lot of satisfied participants.

Donovaly 2009

The 41st EFNS was held in Slovakia in 2009. The event was organized in Donovaly, however the worst weather since 20 years, did not allow to organizers and participants to enjoy the competition, as it was planned. Because just a few days before the race all the snow had disappeared, the organization committee decided, that rifle shooting would take place one day before the running. Finally, just before the race, new fresh snow came, and in consequence all the tracks had to be modified. All the races were then held in the forest on the forest road and not in a sport areal.
2002 Ramsau 2003 Goms 2005 Minsk 2007 Aosta 2008 Oberwiesenthal 2011 Östersund 2012 Todtnau 2013 Delnice 2015 2015 2017 2017 2017 Oslo 2016 Oslo 2016 2009 Donovaly 2009 Donovaly 2009 Donovaly 2009 Donovaly 2009 Donovaly
Name of the team and organization:
Klub lesníkov - Lyžiarov Slovenska
Oravský Podzámok SLOVAKIA
Phone number:
+421 907 879 245
Date of team establishing and entrance to EFNS:
team established in 1997, EFNS member since 2001-2002
relation to the nature and the forest, sport activities in the forest, not only in the summer, but as well in the winter, to come to meet with colleages with similar interests from all the Europe
Present team leader:
Ing. Luboš Lonský
Number of team members:
ca. 50
Autors of the photographs: Marián Jagerčík, Pavol Kráľ